alright. it's day two.
let's get this over with.
"Your Least Favorite Song"
saying this is my least favorite song would be putting it mildly.
i hate this song.
i. loathe. this. song.
this song is like nails on a chalk board to me.
now i love me some fergie, really i do.
but i think she needs to stick to what she's good at.
teaching people how to spell glamorous,
{g - l - a - m - o - r - o u s, yeah}
and getting that boom boom boom.
(i mean she's got to. she says it.)
but fergs, honey, trying to sing a touching ballad just ain't doin' it for me.
not only is her voice horrible, but the lyrics. ugh! the lyrics.
and usually i'm not one to judge, but for some reason it just
really gets under my skin.
the whole child missing their blanket thing...
agh! frustrates me just talking typing about it!
so without further ado, my least favorite song....
take it away fergs.
(along with my eardrums, which i am destined to rip out)
Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry (Personal)
just so you know, i saved you from the "extended version".
you're welcome.

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