welp, it's our last day folks.
it's been real.
not that you really did anything except for show up and read my crazy rants about random things in my life, but hey.
it was a blast anyway...
day thirty
"Your Favorite Song This Time Last Year"
so is it sad i couldn't really remember this time last year when i first sat down to think about it?
can you say mommy brains...
uhh...anyway, the more i thought about it the more i realized this time last year was very different around our house...
i was still in my first trimester of pregnancy.
feeling blah and only running around after two kids.
i was still living in dacula.(!)
that's crazy to me! it seems like forever ago...
i wasn't 25 yet.
which i don't know about you, but 25 has definitely felt older to me.
at least older to say.
you get a different reaction from people when you say i have
2 kids and i'm pregnant and 24,
as opposed to 2 kids and pregnant or 3 kids and 25.
dunno what it is, but people are just more accepting of 25 it seems...hmmm...
my best friend brandi still lived in georgia!
man, i still kick myself for not spending every minute of every weekday with her! but of course they didn't know they were moving so it would've been weird and stalkerish to make demands like that.
even still...i probably should have.
p.s. montgomery's...whenever you're ready to live where i am, i am ready and waiting...just fyi...in case you were looking for some notice or something...this is it. here's your sign...any day now...ok, fine.
excuse me while i go silently weep in the corner.
where were we? ah, yes.
this time last year i loved this song.
which shouldn't really surprise you by this point.
Katy Perry - Teenage Dream
so this concludes my 30 day song challenge...
i hope you all enjoyed it and possibly
found some new music to love!
just because i can't resist, here are a few songs that didn't get featured, but i like them and want to share them anyway.
Mumford & Sons - Little Lion Man
The Civil Wars - Poison & Wine
Gavin DeGraw - Not Over You
Coldplay - Every Teardrop is a Waterfall
i've been lovin' those tunes lately...
alright well hope all is well and will get back to your regularly scheduled blogging in the next month!
ciao, peeps.

you spoil us with 30 days straight of your delightful wit, then leave us high and dry!
ReplyDeleteHeather it is now OCTOBER TENTH! and there has not been one post this month!
I realize you have three children 3 and under, I realize you are in the process of moving!
But, Heather, think about your readers!!
alright, alright! i posted! i even mentioned you in the title! happy?!
and i DO think about my readers! all 8 of them! ;-)