Tuesday, January 17, 2012

tasty tuesday

are you ready for nomtastic?
i hope so. 
'cause this bread recipe is just that.

it's gluten free, paleo friendly, and oh so scrumptious.

and honestly, the thing i like about it the most, it doesn't taste healthy. it just tastes like really delicious bread. 

i posted a banana bread recipe about a year ago and since then have found out my son can't eat gluten and have started my weight loss journey since having a baby...soo...needless to say, a healthy bread recipe was in order.

the only problem with most gluten free and "healthy" bread recipes is that they don't actually taste like bread.

and they crumble, are dense, and look like bricks.

while this does resemble a brick a teeny tiny little bit, it's most certainly NOT dense or crumbly.

also, i find a lot of times that gluten free bread recipes will have TONS of ingredients and most that are expensive.

also not the case here.
everyday ingredients or ingredients that are easy to come by.

i got this recipe via pinterest (of course) and it originally came from wheatfreeandglutenfreebreadrecipe.blogspot.com
phew! that's a long web address!

so without further ado...

Paleo Banana Bread Recipe

what you need:
3 eggs, separated
5 tbsp honey
4 tbsp olive oil
2 mashed bananas
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
2 cups almond flour or finely ground almonds

what you do:
- preheat your oven to 350 degrees
- cream your egg yolks and honey in a large bowl until light and fluffy.
- add the oil, vanilla, mashed banana, baking powder, cinnamon, and almond flour. blend well.
- in a separate bowl beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form 
(tip: i used my kitchenaid mixer for this! 
much easier on the arms!)
- gently fold the egg whites into the mixture. do this slowly and try not to "break" the egg whites.
- you can either spray your loaf pan or 
i used coconut oil and rubbed down the sides 
(i use it just like crisco, but it's MUCH healthier!)
- place in the oven for 40-45 minutes.
- enjoy! :)

notice my fancy paper plate.
you know you're jealous. 

let me know if you get a chance to try this recipe. 
i'd love to hear what you think!

happy tuesday! 


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

tasty tuesday's

i've made this recipe several times and it never seems to fail me.
it's delicious, healthy, and exactly what i need in the mornings.

now before i tell you what it is, just let me preface by saying any preconceived ideas you have about this specific product, throw it out the window!
if you, in fact, already love this product...
then prepare yourself to be amazed. 

today i'm sharing a recipe for protein bars.

that's right, you heard me.

these are delicious, yummy, very NON-bricklike protein bars.

i must admit, i have a major bit of a sweet tooth. especially at breakfast time.
pancakes, waffles, french toast, cinnamon rolls, you name it, if it's sweet i'll eat it.

so when i started eating healthier, let's just say it's hard to eat these things and be um....thin.

so a lot of eggs were consumed while i racked my brain and pinterest for a yummy and healthy recipe to try.

lo and behold, i found this blog:

the blogger, Tiffany, is known for her clean eating recipes that are delicious. and might i add, simple.

i find it so frustrating when healthy recipes are consisted of crazy ingredients you never have on hand.

while she does have some of those kind of recipes, mostly it's just good, regular clean food. 

including these delicacies.

Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Protein Bars
now i don't know about you, but the only protein bars i've ever tried are gross.
they are too dense, too artificially sweet, not sweet enough, to tough, too something.

but when her recipe looked delicious and was only 300 calories per serving with LOTS of healthy things in it, i said why not give it a try?

and man am i glad i did!

what you need:
2 cups of oats 
1 cup (NOT scoop) whey protein powder
 (regular or vanilla flavored)
1 cup of peanut butter 
(the organic, no sugar added kind)
1/2 cup of agave nectar (or honey)
1/2 applesauce (unsweetened)
2 tbsp grain sweetened chocolate chips
(i have been unable to find these so 
i'll show you what i use instead)
2 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp ground cinnamon

here's a pic of some of the more "obscure" items:
- i use trader joe's vanilla whey protein powder.
it's good, it's cheap, it's easy to get. done and done.
- thick & rough oatmeal. it has more texture than other oatmeals and i think makes for a tastier bar. use what you can find or looks good to you (but not gross, processed oatmeal!)
- agave nectar. this happens to be blue agave nectar. i bought this from costco. you can also find it at most major grocery stores in the health food aisle. it looks just like honey or maple syrup. it doesn't have to be blue btdubs.
- now for the chocolate chips i haven't been able to find what she uses, but i use the ghirardelli 60% cacao chips.
they are yummy and low in calories. plus made with mostly dark chocolate so you get all of the good antioxidants from it!
- chia seeds. if you don't know what these are they can be found at most health food stores. i get mine from the dekalb farmers market. up close they look like this.

don't get hung up on all black, all white, organic...blah blah blah. just get basic chia seeds. they are amazing no matter what form they are in!

the rest of the ingredients are pretty self explanitory. 
publix brand all the way baby!

what you do:
preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
put your two cups of oats on a cookie sheet and let them roast by themselves for about 10-15 minutes in the oven. 
you'll start to smell them and know they are done. :)
while they are cooling, dump all the other ingredients in a bowl. 
after the oats have COMPLETELY cooled 
(you don't want to prematurely melt your chips!)
dump in the oats and go to town on combining everything.
make sure you wash your hands because a spoon won't help you here. you'll need to mix everything with your hands.
it's quite.....gloopy...? i think i just made that word up.
but once you make this you'll see what i mean.

next put it all in a half cookie sheet and smooth it out. 
these will be cut into bars so do your best to make them as "uniform" as possible.

bake them for about 15-20 minutes or until they are golden brown. and what you get is...delish.

this will be like a tasty treat!
i eat one for breakfast every morning.
it satisfies my sweet tooth while being healthy and giving me enough energy for my workout and last me until lunch!

it makes about 15 bars and i store them in 
an airtight container. 
breakfasts for two weeks that is simple, cheap AND delicious?! 
uh, you're welcome.



uhhh....it's been a while.

this thing still on?

it's like after Thanksgiving i somehow fell into the abyss!

sorry folks!

but, now i'm back, and better than ever!
i've been working out with my good friend leah and eating well and just feel real good about life in general.

the holiday's were super busy and i'm glad they are over, but they were fun and we made lots of good memories. :)

this is the kitchen the hubs and i made for the boys for Christmas from two different night stands. let's just say i wouldn't recommned waiting until TWO DAYS before Christmas to start a project like this.
when it comes to procrastination i'm the queen!
still turned out cute i think...

very masculine. ;)

we had some super cute elves help us decorate the tree...

the hubs and i enjoyed a wonderful lunch date sans babies using a special gift from our friends brandi & brandon :)
nothing says love like the shooting range and chili's. 

we also got a lot of projects down around the house. 
which is nice because we've only lived here...uhh...3 months.
'bout time right?

hooks in the hallway/laundry area.
everyone has their own hook for book bags and jackets and things and shoes go underneath.
these hooks are huge and awesome looking and were only 99 cents at ikea. love it!

i also got my desk in order, with all my cute girly things, recipes, and my orthodox icons :)
fun side note: this was my mom's desk when she was little. 
isn't it the cutest ever?! LOVE the yellow. :)

we also hung some "shelves" up for the boys books because they were getting out of control!
we bought two spice racks from ikea for $3.99 each and pared down the books by a LOT. 
we put the rest of the books in the attic and will switch them out from time to time so the books seem new and exciting instead of overwhelming and the same old, same old.

all in all, things are good.
no, things are great!

we've decided to put cora fayne in her own space now too, she'll be sharing the office, and needless to say i've been sleeping better at night. :)
more pics to come of the rest of the house and cora fayne's room once it's done. 

hope everyone had happy, healthy & busy holiday's.
here's to a new year with lot's in store!
hear hear!
(just imagine me raising my coffee up in a 
general cheers like fashion)
