happy happy, joy joy.
what was that from?
Lord knows i don't remember...
day twenty-one
"A Song You Listen to When You're Happy"
i have a tendency to listen to owl city when i'm happy.
or when i need to be happy.
he's just so dang cheery.
adam young
(he's the only guy in owl city...just fyi)
has a blog that i like to read and you really get
some insight into him and his life.
and he seems to be an all around cool guy.
funny. smart. christian.
what's not to like?
all that to say, when you feel like you kind of know a person,
hearing the music just makes it that much more emotional, if you ask me,
and since he happens to write happy sounding music i think it makes me extra happy.
does any of this make any sense...?
oh well, enjoy a few of my faves.
Owl City - Ocean Eyes - Fireflies
(the song everyone should know)
Owl City - All Things Bright & Beautiful -
Honey & the Bee
(new album, ft. Breanne)
speaking of his blog...a while back he wrote a post about meeting taylor swift and then buying her album and realizing that this song was actually about him!
{side note: she writes out all her lyrics in lowercase letters except for few that make a secret word
pertaining to the song...
this song's secret code was A D A M}
so he "wrote" back to her....on valentine's day....
gracious sakes, it's so cute i can barely stand it!
if you check out the post you can also see the letter he wrote to her. so sweet.
(hint: so much better if you listen to her song first...even if you're not a taylor fan!
i know who you are...)
Owl City - Enchanted
sweetness like that just makes me giddy...
and on that mushy note...have an happy thursday, y'all!

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