ok guys, day three.
i'm really excited about today!
today's song is...
--drum roll please--
"A Song That Makes You Happy"
now, to say that musicals make me happy would just be stating the obvious.
at least for those of you who know me well.
but if you don't know me well....
i often times wish my life actually was a musical.
i am that annoying person who has a song for everything you say.
you: "yeah you know it really bothers me when suzie doesn't call me back..."
me:"cause everybody huuuuuuuurts! sometimessss...."
you catch my drift.
and i have interpretive dance moves for it, too.
if it were up to me, i'd live my day to day life singing, and dancing and laughing all my cares away.
everyone would know the words, harmonies and
background vocals to the song...
and the choreography i see in my head.
which brings us to my song choice for today.
Run & Tell That - Hairspray the Musical
i may or may not know all the words and dance moves to this song.
and i may or may not have seen the movie multiple times in theaters, seen the original movie, and been to the broadway show.
I set you up with the subtitles on the bottom 'cause these lyrics are da bomb diggity.
yup i went there. run and tell that!
see you tomorrow!

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