wow. so this one is hard.
i don't even know what to do here...
day nineteen
"A Song from Your Favorite Album"
i have never been able to pin down just one album that i love.
because i love too many different types of music...
it's just too hard!
i guess i'll just give my top 5 then.
i'm defining favorite album(s) as this:
an album where you don't want to press the skip button. ever.
you listen to the whole album in its entirety, love all the songs,
and can't wait to listen to it again when it's done.
and it stands the test of time. you can't quite get tired of it.
5. Taylor Swift - Fearless - The Best Day
this isn't a hit song, but i cry every time i hear it.
i can only hope that cora fayne loves me as much as taylor loves her mama. :-)
4. Dave Matthews Band - Crash -
Crash Into Me
i will never tire of this song. or album. so great.
3. My Chemical Romance -
The Black Parade - The End.
posted these guys before.
so amazing.
this is a concept album, which i wish there was more of,
so it's so awesome to listen to the whole thing.
2. Owl City - Ocean Eyes -
The Bird and the Worm
these songs are all just so happy.
doesn't matter what mood i'm in this album
will lift my spirits.
even the sad songs somehow sound cheerful. :-)
1. Justin Timberlake - Futuresex Lovesounds - LoveStoned
i mean are you surprised?
love me some jt.
i actually sat here for minutes trying to decide which one was my favorite.
i don't know if this is actually it, but i had to just pick one so that i didn't waste anymore time!
so what's your favorite album and song?

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