well, folks, here we are....
day eight
"A Song You Know All the Words To"
so i figured out in high school that if i read the lyrics while the song is playing,
i can pretty much just know the lyrics immediately.
and i know if i hear a song enough times i know all the words very quickly.
so today isn't too challenging, because honestly, i pretty much know all the words (or most) to most songs.
even ones i don't have on my ipod that just play on the radio.
for example: that fergie song i said i hate on day two...
yeah i know the words to it.
it tears me up inside that my brains wastes space on such nonsense!
i don't know how, my brain goes all rainman or something and i just know it.
too bad i can't remember anything useful like what i made for dinner last night, when was the last time i fed the baby, or to actually call anyone on their birthday.
oh well, we take what we can get and work with it, right?!
not that i know of anything that will actually make this gift useful....
but anywho...
since i know the words to most songs i thought i'd pick my two most impressive. :-)
first up, my sister helped me out with this one.
she went through a big queen phase when she was in middle school/early highschool,
so i got exposed around the age of ten.
i fell in love and never looked back.
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
if you are thinking to yourself,
"well that's not that impressive..."
i offer you this.
my best friend from high school, torie, introduced this song to me when we were just wee freshman and it's been our anthem ever since.
plus our fave show is FRIENDS and this song has a little cameo in that as well.
but i do know every word to this song...and so does she.
and you can ask us anytime. i swear.
we were listening to Star 94's big 90s weekend a few weeks ago and this song came on and i sang every word and even impressed graham! ha! now that's hard to do when it comes to music-y things and the hubs. so anyway...
this song is awesome and worth
learning the rest of the lyrics, too.
we all know the anaconda part,
but the red beans n rice part is sooooo much better.
trust me.
Sir Mix a lot - Baby Got Back
i did both of these videos with lyrics for your reading pleasure. :-)
maybe you'll find out you're rainman just like me!
oh and another added bonus because i can't help myself!
hahahaha "that is so inappropriate...."
i love it.

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