well, hello there.
i'm back after a short hiatus.
let's just say, i got stretched too thin for a while and decided take a break.
and i picked my kids over my blog.
even though this is technically for them, to document there growing- upness
(i think i just made that word up)
and whatnot.
oh well.
don't judge me.
so trying to get back into the groove of things i decided to have fun with it!
my friend kellie (hi kellie!) is doing a thirty day song challenge on her
facebook page and i found myself looking forward to her posts!
so that's what we're doing for the next thirty days errebody.
(yes i meant to spell it like that, that's how it sounded in my head.)
you and me and some of the best music of all time.
and the worst.
and the funniest.
and maybe not of all time...
oh, you're smart people, you get the drift...
i'm super excited to do this because saying that music is important in my life would be the biggest understatement of the century...
ok, maybe that's exaggerating.
but it is the biggest understatement of, at least, the last week.
but seriously, i relate music to everything.
i have songs for when i'm happy, sad, in a weird mood, ready to party, ready to dance, car music, blogging music, everything.
i've never understood people who don't listen to music in the car.
or you're riding with someone and tell them this is you're favorite song and then they try to have a long heart to heart conversation with you.
don't get me wrong, i love me a good heart to heart.
but can't it wait until after my jam?
and an added bonus...
since i grew up dancing, i constantly relate songs to choreography or choreograph songs i love in my head or i may watch a music video so many times i accidentally learn the choreography...just by seeing it so many times.
it's a gift dancers have. take what you see and make your body do it.
so i'm not crazy or anything...well at least that's not what makes me crazy.
so here we go.
day one.
"You're Favorite Song"
a.k.a. the impossible.
i can never pick a favorite song because...
a) i have such a broad range in music, i have to have favorites in all the different genres and,
b) that's like asking me to choose my favorite child.
can't be done.
so i'll choose my current pop favorite, mostly because i love the music video
and a song i can't seem to be sick of.
Katy Perry - Last Friday Night T.G.I.F.
so many good cameos in this video!
you've got glee members...
80s stars...
rebecca black...
and kenny g...?!
awesome cameo overload, people!
Justin Timberlake - My Love
this song never ceases to amaze me.
the musicality of it is...just. so. awesome.
in my opinion.
i still get excited when it comes on the radio.
can't go wrong with jt. ever.
i already see more than one video per post in my future.
alright peeps. (yup i just said peeps.)
see you back here tomorrow.
and happy sepTUNESber!

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