Thursday, May 3, 2012


i am just that. inspired. i am inspired by my friend kayla, over at to post today. she had an amazing post about some of the struggles she's going through in her life and how she's handling them...i felt like she was honest and real and really appreciated her for that. it's hard to do with yourself let along all the people who read a blog! 
so cheers to you, kayla!

  a little update for myself is not much has changed....and that seems to be the problem lately. i'm in a....funk. i feel like a lot of good things are happening, and nothing too terrible has occured, but for some reason i just can't shake the bleh's. 

the hubs and i have been working hard at crossfit and have opened our own gym in our carport. we've got some people coming on a regular basis, people are seeing results. it's awesome. 

we've unfortunately been only semi-successful eating paleo. we'll go a few days eating well, and then something happens, a hiccup in the plan if you will, and it's like i lose all self-control. 
i binge on terrible food and then feel guilty about it.

but i just keep telling myself, that this is a learning process. nobody becomes perfect overnight.
heck, nobody becomes perfect period.
so why do i feel the overwhelming need to be just that.

who knows...i'm still figuring this one out.

on the upside, i've been attending church a lot more lately and am LOVING it. 
we've starting going to an Orthodox church with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law.
 i don't quite know what it is yet, but it really just resonates with me.
i feel more connected to Christ in my soul....or something. 
and the kids love going to church and are so well behaved and this is an amazing feat because it's mostly standing the whole service and there is no "kid's program" or nursery or sunday school.
everyone is present for the service and experiences the divine liturgy together.
it's so amazing. 

coming back to the whole eating thing...i have been seeing good results.
i'm losing weight and getting back to what i feel like is more "me". 
which is fantastic. obviously.
i think this is why i am so hard on myself.
because i could probably be so much further down the road.
if i stopped all the binge eating madness, i would be so much closer to my goal.
but, like i said, i'm still figuring this one out.

cora fayne turned one. 
i mean ONE, y'all.
it's been one WHOLE year since i had her.
seriously? time freaking flies. 
we had an alice in wonderland party for her and it went off without a hitch.
my good friend rachael took some pics of the party
(she's super with a camera, folks)
so i can't wait to see them.
i'll do my best to share them when i can. :)
here are some phone pics to tie you over...

on her birthday, being cute. :)

her lovey (we call her girly cat, even though she's a bear, but whatev's) was taking a 
"bath" and she was happy to be reunited. and hugs from daddy are always good. 

the boysies, are still the boysies. 
wild, fun, crazy, and LOUD.
but i love them.

quinn is talking a lot these days. like A LOT. 
he tells people all the time who everyone is.
"i am quinny, and this is mommy, and this is lincoln, and this is cora, and this is daddy" 
and then starts it all over again.
so adorable.

linc really loves to dress himself these days.
someday's are better than others...
like the day he wore a button-up plaid shirt with some plaid cargo shorts and boots.
not one of his finer days...
but hey, a kids gotta feel independent somehow right.
who am i to judge?

speaking of...i thrifted these croc boots at goodwill for $3. they had never been worn. so uh-mazing.
i'm obsessed with thrifting lately. it's ridiculous some of the things people get rid of. 
but i'm not complaining, i just laugh at to myself as i leave the store with a bagful o'goodies.
silly, people. 

this one was taken by my friend, rachael. supes talented, y'all.
plus i really dig the, "i'm just humoring you" face linc is giving. priceless. 

Q is obsessed with stickers. like, OBSESSED.
at least it makes for funny pictures.... 

let's see...what else...
we got a new puppy!!!
well new to us, anyway.
and not a puppy.
but i call her a puppy because she's smaller than roxy.
which isn't hard to do because roxy is huge, but hey, don't sweat the small stuff.

i love her, oh so much.
i saw her picture on the gwinnett county rescue's facebook page (she was under the urgent dogs page!)
and just fell in love with her face! 
she's seriously the sweetest dog EVER. 
like people who don't even like dogs have offered to take her!
craziness, right?! seriously though...bestest dog ever.
(i still love you, too roxy!!!!)

here's a pic of nellie (lincoln named her that after a horse he rode, haha)
when i was picking her up from the rescue.
so happy to be out of that place!
sweet, smiley girl!

and here she is enjoying her new, comfy bed at her new, loving home. :)

fun fact: did you know that dogs can have food allergies, too?
leave it to me to fall in love with the dog who "just has mange" and can be cured with antibiotics.
nope. she is allergic to gluten!
say what? it's like the Lord knew she needed a mommy who understood a baby with food allergies. ;)

well, i think that just about covers it for now.
i'm going to try and be updating more regularly
(i know i say that every time, but this time for reals!)
and hopefully post more paleo recipes and some "in progress" pics.

you guys are awesome. 
just thought you should know.
