Monday, June 27, 2011

{h o t m a m a} week three results

well, hello everyone.

happy monday!

it's been a great day here so far and i hope that your monday's
 are treating you exceptionally well this week. 

so week three went ok...i didn't cheat. i didn't get much exercise done, but 
i didn't cheat
that was my main goal this week. 
done and done. 
so you'd think i did amazing...well...i wouldn't say terrible, but not amazing either. it's hard to explain. let's just get on with the details and we'll chat about how i feel later, shall we? ok good.

w e i g h t
146 lbs
total lost this week = 0 lbs
total weight lost = 15 lbs

m e a s u r e m e n t s
R arm - 10.75"
L arm - 10.75"
R leg - 24"
L leg - 23.5"
waist - 34.5"
hips - 39.25"
chest - 36"
inches lost week 3 = 2"
inches lost total = 11"

*some of these might not be totally accurate because i did the measuring myself rather than graham. it's kind of hard to do. i bet i looked hilarious trying to hold the measuring tape on my leg and stand up straight at the same time. ha!

e x e r c i s e
didn't really get much exercise done this week. 
just one set of flying dogs.
 plan to get more done this week.

p h o t o s
i forgot to take pictures on saturday again...i'm terrible at this. 
so i took them on monday morning. it won't be exactly the same as if i took them on saturday, but i figured it would at least give you an idea since i didn't take any last week. just to compare at least from two weeks ago...
 you know what i'm sayin?
yeah, you know what i'm sayin.

[don't mind the toddler running around]

honestly, i don't feel like the pictures do me justice. graham felt the same. i definitely look skinnier in real life than in these photos. oh well. guess it's all about how i feel anyway!

which brings me to my next point. 
i'm not gonna lie. i was a little disappointed when i stepped on the scale on saturday morning and 
i hadn't lost any more weight. 

i was feeling so confident.
i had done well that week and was still continuing to feel better and have more energy. 
what the heck had happened? why didn't i lose any weight?!

and an angel sent from twitter heaven...
i saw this tweet.

so of course i clicked on it and read the story here.
pretty awesome stuff.
one woman at 155 lbs in two different photos, but looking completely different.

so of course, while mine is not that drastic it did make me feel better. and it was a great reminder that 
the scale is not what defines me.

it is my mental and emotional states as well as physical. 
and i've been feeling fantastic all around. 
whether the scale agrees with me or not.
(heck just look at the smile on my face in that picture!)

p l a n s 
so here's the plan folks....
we're in week four here and not really wanting to stop, but trying to think about how to keep this thing moving.
we have a mini-vacay planned this long weekend  
-- headed to my parents lakehouse. yippee!--
and we're going to eat whatever we want for the four days that we're there. 
jack up our bodies for a few days. :)
have more of a cheat weekend than a cheat day.
then it's back to slow carb for another four weeks.
or until i reach my goal* and just do what i can to maintain it.

i'm also going to cut out as much dairy as i can.
i had been having very small amounts of it throughout the week. a little bit of cheese in my soup. or milk instead of cream in my coffee. because there have been a lot of people who are successful on this diet while doing that. and let's be real. if you're a cheese-lover like me, it's really hard to cut out cheese. but this week - no dairy. no cheese.
 i can do anything for one week right? right? let's hope so.

if i go into a coma just shred a little gouda in my mouth and i'm sure i'll spring right back to life. 

so here's looking forward to the last week (for now) and family, fun and yummy food this weekend. :)

*i don't really have a set weight or anything in mind, just until i look good in the mirror and all my skinny clothes fit well.

has anyone else out there tried this yet?
i'd love to hear how you're doing! 

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