Tuesday, March 15, 2011

tasty tuesday's

So since we should be getting some nice weather this week I thought I'd post my recipe for Chicken Salad! Yumm....It's another recipe from my mom's friend Ms. Cece and it's delish!

  The Yummiest Chicken Salad Ever

What you need:
    - 4 chicken breasts
    - 1 cup mayonaise
    - 1 cup sour cream
    - salt
    - a handful of grapes (purple or green, whichever you prefer)
    - a handful of pecans (again this is preference so you can use more or less here)

What you do:
   Boil your chicken until tender (if it's thawed, about 15-20 minutes). Let it cool a little bit and then shred it in a bowl. You can make it chunkier or thinner, but just shred it good. Then add in your mayo and sour cream and salt. Just keep mixing and adding until you like the consistency. Some people like it more creamy some like it less...just go with it. ;) Next chop up your grapes in quarters and finely chop your pecans and add those in too. More or less, again, depending on your preferences. Mix it all together and enjoy!
   I think the best way to eat this is to butter some bread (yes, butter first) THEN put it in the toaster real quick. It makes a delicious sandwich! SO wonderful....I hope you all enjoy your awesome weather and awesome sammiches!

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