So this morning we loaded up the van, headed to the ultrasound place and found out we're having a girl baby!!! We are so excited and honestly still a little bit in shock about it! So far, (I don't foresee us changing our minds, but you never know) we've decided on the name Ruby Fayne. Both Graham's grandfather and grandmother had mothers named Ruby and my grandmother was named Fayne. We feel the name is awesome and a great way to honor the people we love! Here are some pictures of our baby girl. :)
Sorry the pictures are so large! I don't know how to make them any smaller! haha Anyway, this view is as if you sat the baby on a glass coffee table and looked up from underneath! Definitely a girl!

I like this one because you can see lots of her and her big belly :)
This one might just be my favorite because you can see a small smile on her face!
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