my sweet cora fayne (a.k.a. beaner girl),
you are 4 months old!
you are the cutest thing I have ever seen.
you are starting to sit up on your own, but your legs are so chunky if you sit for too long they go purple. :-) true story.
you like to sit in your johnny jump up, which we call the JUMPHANG!, but you don't really jump yet...
you just sit back, relax, watch your brothers and play with the toys.
you love your brothers and laugh when they are silly.
and you always have lots of smiles for mommy and daddy.
we love you so much and are so filled with joy to have you in our lives.
happy four months, baby girl one.
xoxo, mommy
p.s. hi everyone! sorry i've been MIA as of late. super busy! and i decided it was more important to do one thing at a time well, than a whole bunch of things crappy.
but, i've missed blogging and will hopefully be back soon.
i plan to do something fun for september! stay tuned!