Saturday, March 19, 2011

I'm a believer!

So an incredible thing happened this week...but here's a little back story to bring you all up to speed...
   A little over two weeks ago at my 34 week check up, Cora, had flipped to be transverse. Now, for those of you who don't know, this is not exactly ideal. Pictured below is first how a baby should be positioned in your belly, and second is how a transverse baby is positioned.



...So as you can see...this poses somewhat of an issue. It's hard to push a baby out, back first...sorry for the graphic mental image there...So of course one of my wonderful midwives suggested seeing a chiropractor and doing some different "exercises" to try and turn the baby and encourage her to go head down. Well, two weeks was going by fast and so far, there was still no change. Graham and I had heard of an acupuncturist in Buckhead that had really great success rates with flipping babies. And since we had some positional issues with Lincoln (you can reread the whole, long birth story here if you like!) we were starting to get a little nervous and feeling a little bit desperate. So this past Wednesday morning, at 36 weeks, we had an appointment and nervously but excitedly went to the acupuncturist.
   Now I don't know about you, but thinking about acupuncture kind of freaks me out. I mean sticking needles in yourself for no darn, real reason? Kinda weird, right? Yeah, that's what I thought, too. So like I said, I was excited, but also nervous.
   So we walk in for our appointment and the acupuncturist, Jenny, is there waiting for us. (No she doesn't have a long white beard and no she's not some old chinese man, she's a very pretty, normal American woman...surprising I know!) She's very nice and very personable right off the bat. I was feeling better already. So we go into one of the rooms, which is decorated more like a living room than a "doctor's" office and have a seat and just chat for a while. We chatted about my medical history, emotional history, what my past pregnancies and deliveries were like. And just did kind of a get to know you session. Which was super great and put me at ease. Then she explains that the process that they use to actually turn the baby is called moxabustion. And all it really is is burning herbal sticks near a trigger point at the tips of my pinky toes. Yup, you read that right. All we did was made my feet smell incense. Crazy stuff! She did do a few needles in a couple of different points just to calm me and relax me and help some of my ligaments become more flexible than tender. (A lot of times the ligaments in your pelvis will become sore when you are carrying a transverse baby, because they are being pulled on in the wrong direction.) So we burned the herbs (she took one toe while Graham took the other! :) Love that man...) and I had the needles in for about 20 minutes, then she gave us a few sticks to take home with us and told us to keep doing it for the next ten days, every day for twenty minutes. 
    Well, while we were sitting there letting my feet smell herbs....I asked her about how long it usually takes for babies to turn head down. She got a huge smile on her face and said, "Well, a lot of people will feel movement right away, but everyone's different. There's no guarantee and we'll just see what happens. Just relax."
    Let me tell you, I know why she got a huge smile....I had an appointment right after with my midwife and was feeling great, and noticed Cora moving, but not really any more than she had been. I was hopeful, but had no expectations at all... Well, by the time we got to my midwife, she was already turned HEAD DOWN! I couldn't believe it. It was amazing to say the least. At eight o'clock that morning she was totally sideways and felt like she was staying put...She hadn't moved in two weeks from any of the exercises I had done or from going to the chiropractor. But in a matter of two hours she had flipped....unbelievable! And not only that, but it's Saturday....and she hasn't moved back! 
   I can officially say that I am a believer in acupuncture! It totally works. It's not covered by most insurances, but I would say that any persistent or chronic issue you may have would probably be worth the money spent there. They address all sorts of issues separate from flipping babies and she said another one of their biggest success rates is with infertility. I had no idea! I never would have even thought to go to an acupuncturist for any type of pregnancy related issue, but I definitely do now. So if you are interested at's the website where you can read more information, or if you have had any problems that just don't seem to go away, I would definitely do some research on it. Google "acupuncture and (insert problem here)". Seriously, it doesn't hurt and could make a huge difference in your definitely did for me. I was so worried I was going to end up with another c-section due to some fluke. Not the case anymore! :) 
   I hope you enjoyed my wonderful news and maybe I'll convert some of you....I can feel know you want to google it...go right ahead. I'm not stopping you....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

tasty tuesday's

So since we should be getting some nice weather this week I thought I'd post my recipe for Chicken Salad! Yumm....It's another recipe from my mom's friend Ms. Cece and it's delish!

  The Yummiest Chicken Salad Ever

What you need:
    - 4 chicken breasts
    - 1 cup mayonaise
    - 1 cup sour cream
    - salt
    - a handful of grapes (purple or green, whichever you prefer)
    - a handful of pecans (again this is preference so you can use more or less here)

What you do:
   Boil your chicken until tender (if it's thawed, about 15-20 minutes). Let it cool a little bit and then shred it in a bowl. You can make it chunkier or thinner, but just shred it good. Then add in your mayo and sour cream and salt. Just keep mixing and adding until you like the consistency. Some people like it more creamy some like it less...just go with it. ;) Next chop up your grapes in quarters and finely chop your pecans and add those in too. More or less, again, depending on your preferences. Mix it all together and enjoy!
   I think the best way to eat this is to butter some bread (yes, butter first) THEN put it in the toaster real quick. It makes a delicious sandwich! SO wonderful....I hope you all enjoy your awesome weather and awesome sammiches!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

life lately... I'm writing this as an overall update for life right now...Quinn and Lincoln have been doing wonderfully....both talking a lot more and growing like weeds. I've found that they are much more managable when they've had some time in the great outdoors, so we've been doing the park and deck and walks much more since the weather has been nice. Which speaking of, this weather has been awesome! Not too hot, not too cold....but just right. Makes my heart sing, really. Here are a couple of pics of the boys being, well, themselves....

This is Quinny peeking through the seats in the back of the minivan. :) 
Does it get any cuter? I mean, honestly. 

This is another, "typical Quinn". He had just faceplanted into a pile of rocks at the dog park, but went totally unphased. He was just SO happy to be outside! 
We call this one Scarface.

This is Linc the Stink being his usual self as of late. Super silly and totally a "kid". 
Notice he's naked in both of these's because he constantly asks, "May I, be nakers please?"
How can you deny those manners and that face? Perfection. Love it.

Daddy and Linc being silly together. I love this one. :)

  ...We've only got about 6-8 weeks left until we meet the baby girl one. Cora will hopefully be gracing us with her presence sooner rather than later, so that daddy isn't too stressed during finals...too bad she dictates when she comes! ;) She's super healthy and not really in the greatest position as of late, but we know everything will be great. We went on our hospital tour last night at Atlanta Medical Center, and loved it. We are super excited to be sharing our birth with Intown Midwifery (I'd be happy with any of the three midwives I've been meeting with) and I can't wait to share this birth story with all of you! I think it's going to be fantastic.

   I  need to go ahead and apologize for not posting any "tasty tuesday's". Here's the the last month or so we've kind of self diagnosed Quinn with Celiac Disease. (click on the link if you'd like to read some more) And the only cure/treatment for this disease right now is going gluten free. So needless to say, we've had a lot of dietary changes going on lately. Between Graham and I doing the slow-carb diet and Quinn going gluten free and Lincoln being a picky soon-to-be three year old kind of eater....let's just say meal times have been a little bit stressful. My meal planning has gone out the window and I'm at the point now where I'm making anywhere from 2 to 4 different meals a night or we're having a standard protein/whole food/produce type of meal....nothing too exciting about grilled chicken and corn, if you ask me! I'm definitely not complaining, because the differences we've seen in Quinn since going gluten free and the differences Graham and I have seen since going to slow-carbs have been totally worth it. This is just me explaining why I haven't posted any new recipes or actually even thought to be posting any at all. It's just kind of crazy right now! So I hope you will forgive me and have some patience with me. As I learn new recipes that are gluten free and delicious I will definitely be posting them....thanks for hanging in there with me. :)

    Well, I think that's about it. Not too much more going on here. Hope you all have been well! Happy early Spring, everybody!